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Training Tuesday:Handling Rejection

Training Tuesday:Handling Rejection

Training Tuesday: Handling Rejection

Rejection is a daily occurrence in the sales profession. You’re going to be rejected.  How quickly and how well you recover will determine how successful your next sales call will be. If you are not careful, a rejection mishandled can lead to several more rejections.

The best SunteckTTS sales reps get rejected, maybe not as often as some, but it still happens.  Learn to accept rejection as an occupational hazard and move on.  One of the biggest mistakes a salesperson can make is to get rejected and never go back.  Don’t close the door on a client forever after receiving just one rejection.  People are more likely to give you their business if they know you really want it.  Stay in touch and demonstrate your professionalism.

75% of all salespeople quit after the first NO, another 5% quit after the second NO, and only 20% persist until the third NO. It’s not surprising that 20% of salespeople make 80% of all sales.

Persistence and proper handling of rejection will allow you the opportunity to overcome this rejection and make sales in the future.


Check back next Tuesday for more tips on Selling SunteckTTS. The full playlist of videos can be found on our YouTube channel.