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Training Tuesday:How to Take Control of the Sale

Training Tuesday:How to Take Control of the Sale

Training Tuesday: How to Take Control

Take control of the sales call, especially on the subject of price. If you can change the customers pre-conceived notions in the first five or ten minutes, then you’ve won the biggest sales battle of all.  I quickly and firmly set up an alternative framework for making a deal.  If price isn’t going to be the issue, then what is?  You must sell value-added.

Never concede that SunteckTTS’s service is just like our competitors.  Once you do, you give away your competitive edge and ability to differentiate your service, and therefore, to receive a higher price. The job of all SunteckTTS sales agents is to know how and why our service is different, why that difference is important to the customer, and how to effectively communicate the importance of those differences.

When the customer tells you that they can get the exact same service by using a competitor, the first thought you should have is: Can they really get the same service?  Your customer is receiving services that are similar but not identical.  Sometimes these slight differences in service levels won’t matter, but often they will.  It’s your job to point out why the slight differences matter. A customer can’t argue with success.   

Be sure to emphasize how SunteckTTS’s service will help them, their company, and their customers.  Be as persistent as your customer.

What if the prospect looks you straight in the eye and firmly says, “I don’t have time to listen to your whole sales pitch.  I know all about SunteckTTS.  Just give me my discount.”  Some traffic managers use this tactic to unnerve you into giving them a big discount at the onset.  The main purpose is to take control of the sales call away from you.  Turn around and use the same technique. Take control and do your job.  Don’t let the prospect plow you over.

Treat your customers fairly and expect them to treat you the same way.


Check back next Tuesday for more tips on Selling SunteckTTS. The full playlist of videos can be found on our YouTube channel.